
Sunday 22 September 2013

German and British Resorts in Hammamet

In the past couple of weeks, we have taken two trips down to Hammamet, a sea-side tourist area that offers a variety of resorts, beaches, etc...

The first resort we stayed at is called Aldiana and is German owned. It's an all inclusive resort that offers two swimming pools, a buffet, bars, a beach, volleyball courts, a golf course and a hotel where people (mostly Germans) can stay. The food was great, and it offered great entertainment.

The second resort we stayed at was British and just down the road from Aldiana. Manar Holiday Village, however, featured water slides, which occupied most of the kids' time during the weekend. Like Aldiana, it was an all inclusive resort, but much bigger. For example, it had 4 swimming pools and a much bigger beach area. Although the entertainment was great, the food wasn't as good as at Aldiana. 

Come back soon!

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